Dear muslim brothers and sisters please watch this video what is doing here. Praying salat in Rain but what about you, you really do your prayer in correct time of praying. If you pray in correct time Alhamdulillah. If you do not pray in correct time you should learn from these muslim people who do not waste their time and pray salat in correct time. In time of Salat you working your work not praying dear muslim don't say to salat there is work you should say to your work I have to pray Salat.

We are Musllim and we do not delay time of Pray we always Pray in the Currect time which has been said in our holy book AL QURAN. This video is about some Muslim Praying In the Rain.
ALLAH is the only one God, Muhammad is the Messenger of ALLAH.
Dear all muslim see this video and be aware about your prayer time don't miss Salat at Currect time.
Please pray in currect time do not miss Salat.
Share this video with your Muslim friend so that they can be aware about Salat and pray in currect time.
Salamun Alaikum

Muslim Praying Salat In Rain

Description: Muslim Praying Salat In Rain
  1. A Muslim, sometimes spelled Moslem, is a follower of the religion of Islam, a monotheistic Abrahamic religion based on the Quran. Muslims consider the Quran to be the verbatim word of God as revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
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